Vanilla flavour
You can install and use Moodle core. Standard Moodle can be suitable for most schools, NGOs and charitable projects.
Moodle is free for you. But take into consideration hosting costs.
All in one flavour
Moodle Workplace is a SaaS. This is the suitable flavour if you are looking to have all eLearning handled in a dynamic environment, with all services covered by our team of Learning designers.
Learning paths, certification programs, notifications, organisational structure, dynamic rules, customisable reports, multi-tenancy and much more.
Create your flavour
A Certified eLearning Partner can implement custom Moodle. It is suitable if your business requires particular workflows for learners, or you need a unique layout to make the platform „yours”.
Big projects are learning opportunities for all of us. Whether companies, training institutions, universities or NGOs, we all have news to share.
You have a clear idea about the result of the learning and development process.
However, the business requirements and the KPIs you must follow demand a custom, adaptable and scalable solution based on open technologies.
We are ready to know all of your requests and incorporate them into your flavour.
Not only the platform but also Training, Interactive digital content development, Support, Maintenance, Hosting.
Theme design
Moodle is versatile in terms of layout. The standard design covers the functional elements of the platform.
You can also choose to change the layout either with a commercial theme or with a custom layout made following your branding rules.
Plugin development
Moodle can become 100% compliant with your business requirements or learning workflows with the plugin development.
You can start with Moodle core and, afterwards, at any point, you can add new plugins pr change the existing ones.
Customisations are more accessible and relatable when working with open technologies.
Video conferencing
What video-conferencing system are you using? Zoom, Teams, WebEx
Office 360
Do you have Office 360 in your organisation? Moodle and Microsoft have a strong partnership to achieve business objectives for the entire organisation and create learning experiences.
User management
User management systems are great for handling all users. Integrating it into Moodle for easier users creation, authentication, learning paths allocation is something you might want.
Moodle is a complex Learning Management System. It covers all learning processes done in the online environment.
Before suggesting changing anything, we will always examine your requirements and business rules to see if a workaround is available. Together we will take a detailed look at what you wish to achieve. Where we can pull off, we will.
We do code customisation just when it is necessary to follow strict business rules. Then, either Plugin customisation or development are the solutions at hand.
What clients say
Our clients
Why choose us?
For our experience and expertise
- We are the only Moodle Certified Partner for Romania, also active as Moodle expert in the Republic of Moldova since 2013.
- 2.500+ Moodle sites implemented.
- 150.000+ learners and teachers managed through our platforms.
- 300+ hours of interactive digital content created for our clients.
- 10+ years of successfully preparing eLearning Developers and Moodle administrators.
- 5+ years of Articulate Training for Content creators.
For our experts
- Innovation Manager with 17+ years of experience in Moodle implementation.
- Training and Content Development Manager with 10+ years of experience in digital learning.
- Project Managers with 15+ years of experience in international project management.
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