Branded Moodle App

Transform the Moodle App into your app, using your own branding and flavour.

Make your users feel at home with your brand, using your customized Moodle app.

Take Moodle with you

Create digital experiences with Branded Moodle App for all devices.

Your branded app will be available in App Store and Google Play, ready to free download, no configuration needed.

Why create a branded Moodle app?

Simple onboarding

Integrated calendar

Push notifications

Mobile learning

Always up-to-date


How we make a branded Moodle app

1. Initial checklist
2. Setup & initial layout implementation
3. Mobile learning workshop
4. Technical setup workshop
5. Testing the app and approval for publishing
6. Google Play & Apple App Store publishing

What clients say

Our clients

Why choose us?

For our experience and expertise

  • We are the only Moodle Certified Partner for Romania, also active as Moodle expert in the Republic of Moldova since 2013.
  • 2.500+ Moodle sites implemented.
  • 150.000+ learners and teachers managed through our platforms.
  • 300+ hours of interactive digital content created for our clients.
  • 10+ years of successfully preparing eLearning Developers and Moodle administrators.
  • 5+ years of Articulate Training for Content creators.

For our experts

  • Innovation Manager with 17+ years of experience in Moodle implementation.
  • Training and Content Development Manager with 10+ years of experience in digital learning.
  • Project Managers with 15+ years of experience in international project management.

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