Leading evaluation technology

With Examus, educational institutions and companies take care of the quality of their exams and use the most leading technologies in the education and evaluation processes.

Rulează videoul

Examus is the innovative developer and leading distributor of AI solutions for online education, perfect for top Universities and Learning Organisations.

Uses AI and computer vision to monitor and analyse human behaviour and engagement in real-time during any kind of online interaction.

Examus Proctoring Solution

Monitor cheating during online assessments, tests, and exams,
for Corporate and Educational institutions.

Examus does it with its patented AI technology that prevents cheating attempts and checks the observation of exam rules to receive fully verified and substantiated results.

Examus also supports oral exam monitoring functions to run exams remotely.

The tool uses artificial intelligence and computer vision to monitor and analyse human behaviour and engagement in real-time.

It is a unique proctoring solution with face-recognition technology integrated with:

If necessary, the system could be seamlessly implemented to any custom assessment platform or learning management system (LMS).

In 2021, Examus:

3 mln

Helped running 3 millions exams with out AI proctoring solutions.

Launched new features, including the most requested by clients: the smartphone as a second camera.

Recognized by international awards, including the status of Best Proctoring Solution of 2021.

28 articles

Published 28 articles to get you acquianted with online proctoring technologies.

What clients say

Our clients

De ce să ne alegi pe noi?

Pentru experiența și expertiza noastră

  • Suntem singurul partener certificat Moodle pentru România, activând ca expert Moodle și în Republica Moldova din 2013.
  • 2.500+ de site-uri Moodle implementate.
  • 150.000+ cursanți și profesori gestionați prin intermediul platformelor noastre.
  • Peste 300 de ore de conținut digital interactiv creat pentru clienții noștri.
  • 10+ ani de pregătire cu succes a dezvoltatorilor eLearning și a administratorilor Moodle.
  • 5+ ani de training Articulate pentru creatorii de conținut.

Pentru experții noștri

  • Manager de inovare cu peste 17 ani de experiență în implementarea Moodle.
  • Manager de formare și dezvoltare de conținut, cu peste 10 ani de experiență în domeniul învățării digitale.
  • Manageri de proiect cu peste 15 ani de experiență în managementul proiectelor internaționale.

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